FarmControl limits plant growth (Wheat, Melons, Reeds, Cactus, Pumpkins, Carrots, Potatoes, and Netherwart) to specific biomes, encouraging travel and trade and reducing the ability to live as an entirely self sufficient hermit. Features 农业控制将植物生长(小麦、瓜类、芦苇、仙人掌、南瓜、胡萝卜、土豆和耐特沃茨)限制在特定的生物群落中,鼓励旅行和贸易,并降低作为完全自给自足的隐士的生活能力。 特征 All crops can always be placed by players, they simply won't grow outside of their biomes Desired biomes are configurable on a per crop basis Biomes where crops should grow slowly can be set Default config insists melons are grown in wet biomes, sugar cane is grown in hot/humid biomes, cactus needs dry hot areas, and netherwart will only grow in the nether and deserts. If you want to make a crop more rare, or make Netherwart not growable in overworld at all, simply edit the config Default biomes: 所有的农作物都可以由玩家来种植,他们不会在生物群落之外生长。 所需生物群系可按作物配置。 可以设定作物生长缓慢的生物群落 默认配置坚持认为甜瓜生长在潮湿的生物群落中,甘蔗生长在炎热/潮湿的生物群落中,仙人掌需要干燥炎热的地区,而耐特沃茨只能生长在阴间和沙漠中。 如果你想让一个作物更加稀有,或者让耐特沃茨根本无法在超世界中生长,只需编辑配置 默认生物群系: ^Biome ^Wheat ^Melon ^Reeds ^NetherWart ^Cactus ^Pumpkin ^Potato ^Carrot ^ |BEACH |Y |Y |Y | |Y |Y | |Y | |DESERT |S |S |Y |S |Y |S | |S | |DESERT_HILLS |S |S |Y |S |Y |S | |S | |EXTREME_HILLS |Y |Y |S | |Y |Y |Y |Y | |FOREST |Y |Y | | | |Y |Y |Y | |FOREST_HILLS |Y |Y | | | |Y |Y |Y | |FROZEN_OCEAN |S | | | | |Y | | | |FROZEN_RIVER |S | | | | |Y | | | |HELL | | | |Y |Y | | | | |JUNGLE |Y |Y |Y | | |S |Y |Y | |JUNGLE_HILLS |Y |Y |Y | | |S |Y |Y | |MUSHROOM_ISLAND |Y |Y |Y | | |Y |Y |Y | |MUSHROOM_SHORE |Y |Y |Y | | |Y |Y |Y | |OCEAN |Y |Y |Y | | |Y |S |S | |PLAINS |Y |Y | | |S |Y |Y |Y | |RIVER |Y |Y |Y | | |Y |Y |Y | |SWAMPLAND |Y |Y |Y | | |Y |Y |Y | |TAIGA |Y |S | | | |Y |Y |Y | |TAIGA_HILLS |Y |S | | | |Y |Y |Y | |TUNDRA | | | | | |Y | | | The source code is in the jar. 源代码在jar中。